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How to Trade the Head and Shoulders Pattern

Head and Shoulders forex Trading Pattern


Head and Shoulders Trading Pattern Interpretation

Head and shoulders forex trading pattern is a chart formation with a baseline and three peaks. The outside two of which are comparable in height and the center peak being the highest. A head and shoulders pattern is a chart structure that suggests a bullish-to-bearish trend reversal in technical analysis.

One of the most consistent trend reversal patterns is the head and shoulders pattern in Forex. It’s one of numerous top patterns that, to varied degrees of accuracy, indicate the conclusion of an upward trend.

This happens when the price of stock rises to a peak and falls back to the base. The price then rises above the previous high to create the “nose,” before falling back to the original base. The stock price rises to the first, initial peak of the formation before dropping back to the chart pattern’s base or neckline for the second time.

Head and Shoulders Trading Pattern
Head and Shoulders Trading Pattern

What Can You Learn From a Head and Shoulders Pattern?

The three sections of a head and shoulders pattern are as follows

Price climbs to a high after sustained bullish trends and then falls to create a trough.

The price increases again, forming a second high that is far higher than the previous peak, before falling again.

Price increases a third time, but only to the first peak’s level before falling again. The shoulders formed by the first and third peaks, whereas the head formed by the second peak. The neckline is the line that connects the first and second troughs.

A solid predictor that a downhill trend poised to revert into an upward trend an inverse or reverse head and shoulders pattern. The stock price achieves three successive lows in this example, interrupted by brief rebounds. The second trough (the head) is the deepest, whereas the first and third are slightly shallower (the shoulders). The last rebound following the third drop indicates that the negative trend has reversed and that prices are likely to continue to rise.


Stock prices are the outcome of a constant tug-of-war; whether a stock’s price rises or falls is directly proportional to the number of individuals on either team. Those that believe a stock’s price will rise are known as bulls, while those who feel it will fall known as bears.

If a stock’s price falls because more of its owners are bears, the stock’s price will fall as they sell their shares to avoid losing money. If more individuals are positive, the price will rise as more investors rush in to profit from the situation.

Head and Shoulders in the Opposite Direction

The inverted head and shoulders chart, sometimes known as a head and shoulders bottom, is the polar opposite of a head and shoulders chart. The inverted head and shoulders top is used to forecast reversals in downtrends.

When a security’s price action fits the following criteria, this pattern is identified: The price drops to a trough and then rises; the price drops below the previous trough and then rises again; and lastly, the price drops but not as far as the second trough. After the final fall, the price continues to increase, searching for resistance near the peaks of the previous troughs.

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