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Market Maker Spread in Forex Trading

Market Maker Spread


The market-maker spread is the difference between the price. At which a market-maker (MM) is willing to purchase and sell the security. The market-maker spread is the bid-ask spread that market makers are willing to commit to. The difference between the market maker’s bid and ask price for a security is the spread.

This spread intended to compensate for the risk. Of market-making by expressing the potential return. The amount of the market-maker spread impact by the risk in a particular market. Excessive volatility or a lack of liquidity in security will almost certainly increase the size of the market-maker spread.

Who is Market Maker in Forex

A market maker engages in the securities market by offering investors trading facilities and increasing market liquidity. They give bids and offers for certain securities, as well as their market capitalization. Market makers are usually employ by major brokerage firms that profit on the spread between the bid and ask prices.

How do Market Makers work?

Within securities exchanges, a number of market makers operate. And compete with one another to gain investor business by setting the most competitive bid and ask offers. Exchanges employ a specialized system in which a single market maker makes all of the bids. And requests that are available to the market. To guarantee that all marketable deals are done. At a fair price and in a timely way, a professional method used.

Forex Market Maker Method

In the case of a retail trader, the market maker will be a Forex broker. Unless a retail trader create an ECN account, all transactions handled by a Forex broker. When a trade occurs between two banks or between a bank and a significant financial institution. The market maker is another bank or financial institution.

Due to intense competition among banks and retail Forex brokers for clients who trade in big volumes. The spread is extremely minimal and has no impact on the success of a retail trader. As a result, market makers are essential in providing liquidity and maintaining competitive bid-ask prices in the Forex market. Their ultimate goal is to provide liquidity while earning a profit through spreads or commissions.

Market Maker Spread
Market Maker Spread
Market-Maker Spread Example

Consider the case where a market maker in asset – let’s call it Alpha – displays a bid and ask price of $10.00 – 10.05. This MM prepared to purchase Alpha shares for $10 as well as sell them for $10.05. The 5 cent spread represents the market maker’s potential profit per share traded. If MM is able to trade 10,000 shares at the quoted bid and ask, the spread profit will be $500.

How do Market Makers Profit?

Market makers make money in a variety of ways. Market makers benefit from the difference between the bid and offer price of assets. The Market makers rewarded for the risk of covering security that may fall in price since they face the risk of retaining the assets.

In summary The difference between the bid and ask price established by market makers in a specific securities is known as the market-maker spread. Market makers make money by having investors or traders buy securities that MMs are willing to buy and selling securities that MMs are willing to sell.

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Market Maker Spread in Forex Trading

What Are Bid And Ask Price in